Center Cam began because of a problem. Inventor, Ian Foster was finishing his Master's internship as a social work counselor when COVID-19 hit. He and his fellow interns transitioned to remote-counseling using video-conferencing technology, but the young men they were working with were distracted by the tech. No one knew where to look. The rapport they had built fizzled out.
Ian knew there had to be a better way. He realized that screen-edge webcams create a focal dilemma, where to create eye-contact, you had to ironically look away from the person you wanted to talk to. A search showed there wasn't a webcam on the market that was small enough to go in the middle of the screen, even if he could position it to create on screen eye-contact.
Throughout 2020 he began developing prototypes and when he was satisfied with the quality of the camera, he launched Center Cam. The impetus for Center Cam has always been connections, and we're happy to share this new possibility with you!

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